Nutrition Therapy for
Disordered Eating
What is Disordered Eating?
What is Disordered Eating?
Disordered eating can present itself in a variety of ways. It can be seen in preoccupation with fad diets, extreme clean eating behaviors, and in the elimination of entire food groups without clinical recommendation.
At its core, disordered eating is rarely only about food or weight; those struggling often develop disordered eating patterns in a subconscious attempt to mange their emotions in overwhelming circumstances. This can lead to an intense fear of eating and/or food groups, nutritional deficiencies, and interference with activities of daily living and interpersonal relationships.
What are types of Disordered Eating?
Types of Disordered Eating:
-Chronic dieting and weight cycling
-Chronic laxative use
-Body Image Dysmorphia
-Clean eating hyper-vigilance (Orthorexia)
-Rumination Disorder
-Chewing & Spitting
-Purging (vomiting)
-Pica (eating non-food items)
How can Amy help treat Disordered Eating as an
Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian?
How can Amy help?
Amy works with clients to explore how their eating strategies may have served them historically, and help them consider if new dietary interventions may better serve them moving forward. By developing a long-term, therapeutic relationship with her clients, Amy seeks to assist in examining food behaviors and the process of eating in a non-judgmental, often creative environment.